Our view on 18th Edition Amendment 2

Five minutes with Ian Smith, Country Marketing Lead, to get Hager's view on the impact of the changes.

Following the publication of Amendment 2 of the 18th Edition Wiring Regulations and the renewed focus to further improve electrical safety in the UK, we took five minutes with Hager’s Marketing and Support Services Manager, Ian Smith, to get the electrical manufacturer’s view on the impact of the changes.


What are Hager’s thoughts on the changes introduced in Amendment 2?


We fully support the latest changes to the Wiring Regulations in making the electrical world of tomorrow safer. There has been real progression with Amendment 2 and introducing new advanced technology is a positive step forward for electrical safety.


What, in your opinion, are the biggest changes to the Wiring Regulations?


The most notable changes with the publication of Amendment 2 are the reinforced use of both arc fault detection devices and surge protection devices.


Have Hager developed any new products to support these changes?


Absolutely. We already offer both AFDD and SPD devices and have seen a strong uptake in the market for these. However later this year we will be introducing a brand new AFDD platform and enhancing our SPD offer and, as with all things Hager, they will benefit from all the features that installers have come to expect from us and our products.


Why are you not introducing the products now?


The regulation changes don’t become mandatory until 28th September, at which point we will have launched our new and improved AFDD solution, which is currently undergoing rigorous testing to ensure it can support electricians effectively in implementing these changes.


Why are you waiting until September to launch the new device?


Great question. Introducing new technology provides different challenges, especially with arc fault detection devices. Our customers expect Hager products to work first time, every time and our brand has become synonymous with the ‘fit and forget’ approach which we know is demanded by the professional electrician of today. We have over five thousand existing AFDD products in service across the UK today. Our new product will see us introduce a single module version. By using real life feedback from these installations, in addition to the 400 devices we currently have on field trials, we will ensure that Hager AFDDs are amongst the most reliable in the industry.


What is the need for so much testing?


As AFDDs are complex and look at different electrical signatures, UK habits and wiring practices are obviously very different to our counterparts in Europe and further afield. Therefore, a standard ‘one-size-fits-all’ algorithm to operate the AFDD will clearly not perform to the level expected within the UK. For Hager, we have to make sure that our arc fault detection device platform is as stable as possible and provides the best performance that you would expect from a Hager product.


What about the innovation of Surge Protection Devices?


Again, we are offering improvements here too. We have gone to extensive lengths, testing our SPD to guarantee the device delivers a best in class performance. This latest development will see our surge protection devices benefit from busbar connections rather than cables. Not only is this neater, but we have data that indicates this improves the performance of the device itself.


What do you think the biggest challenges are that the industry faces?


Any new technology is treated with caution and, now more than ever, responsible manufacturers need to ensure that the technical support is in place and ready to go from day one. We have some great innovations surrounding these products and combined with the comprehensive testing and technical provisions means installers continue to receive the best support in the industry.


What can you tell us about these great innovations?


There are lots of exciting new features with our arc fault detection devices and surge protection devices that I wish I could share at this moment in time, but what I can promise is that Hager’s solution will be the best in its class.


Finally, how is Hager helping the industry with this transition?


As always, we continue to support those in the trade, and this year, we have an abundance of resources available. For the first time in two years, we’re back, travelling across the country to showcase at the Elex roadshows, with our team of experts on hand to answer any technical questions. We also have Hager Academy, supporting installers with both online and in-person training materials, for those looking to develop their learning, where we will be hosting NAPIT training courses and exclusive webinars supporting with the changes to the 18th Edition.


Finally, there’s our experienced and dedicated technical experts, who proceed to support the trade with their expertise and guidance, so electrical contractors can be assured they continue to comply with the new regulations.