Tailored Arc Fault De­tec­tion for stu­dent Ac­com­mod­a­tion

Our re­cently launched Pre-configured Hybrid AFDD consumer unit has been spe­ci­fied on a ma­jor new stu­dent ac­com­mod­a­tion con­struc­tion pro­ject near War­wick Uni­versity.

Student Accommodation Project

Red Queen, Tile Hill | Pre-configured Hybrid AFDD Consumer Unit

Our re­cently launched Pre-configured Hybrid AFDD consumer unit has been spe­ci­fied on a ma­jor new stu­dent ac­com­mod­a­tion con­struc­tion pro­ject near War­wick Uni­versity. The 210-bed­room com­mer­cial de­vel­op­ment is due for com­ple­tion in late sum­mer 2020 and the main elec­trical con­tractor for the pro­ject is So­li­hull-based, Or­ange Elec­trical Con­tract­ors.


With on­go­ing safety of oc­cu­pants a primary con­cern for the ac­com­mod­a­tion de­ve­lopers and con­tractor, our AFDD hy­brid dis­tri­bu­tion board solu­tion has been se­lec­ted to re­duce the risk of fire res­ult­ing from faults, by en­sur­ing the AFDD trips the af­fec­ted cir­cuit.Com­ply­ing with BS EN 62606, the AFDD, when com­bined with our dis­tri­bu­tion sys­tems, provides a hy­brid solu­tion which has been rig­or­ously tested and val­id­ated to of­fer op­timum pro­tec­tion against the harm­ful ef­fects of dan­ger­ous elec­tric arcs.


As part of the elec­trical pro­tec­tion sys­tem, 28 com­mer­cial pre-configured hybrid AFDD consumer units have been in­stalled, as Tom Kennedy, dir­ec­tor at Or­ange Elec­trical Con­tract­ors ex­plains: “The in­tro­duc­tion of the 18th Edi­tion of BS 7671 has fur­ther in­creased and im­proved safety stand­ards to provide ad­di­tional pro­tec­tion against fire on both do­mestic and com­mer­cial pro­jects, in­clud­ing stu­dent ac­com­mod­a­tion.  As such, the abil­ity to fit our AFDD hy­brid consumer unit brings sev­eral be­ne­fits. The boards are both aes­thet­ic­ally ap­peal­ing and in­cred­ibly ro­bust, so not only do they look good, but they also meet the spe­cific re­quire­ments of its in­stall­a­tion en­vir­on­ment.”


As part of the pro­ject, our En­gin­eered Solu­tions team worked closely with the de­ve­lopers to cre­ate the tailored solu­tion which ex­ceeded the unique re­quire­ments of the pro­ject. As a res­ult, we were able to de­liver 28 pre-con­figured hy­brid consumer units hous­ing stand­ard in­com­ing and out­go­ing devices. Ar­riv­ing on-site fully ter­min­ated, the en­gin­eers had the straight­for­ward task of simple con­nec­tion and in­stall­a­tion, sav­ing on time by elim­in­at­ing the need for col­lat­ing boards, in­comers, and devices on-site.


“By us­ing a tailored solu­tion from Hager, the Pre-configured Hybrid AFDD consumer unit of­fers plenty of space and ac­cess­ib­il­ity so that our en­gin­eers can work com­fort­ably and at ease.  On a large-scale com­mer­cial pro­ject like this, in­stall­a­tion speed is also of the es­sence and can be the dif­fer­ence in en­abling us to stay on track with con­struc­tion dead­lines. The pre-as­sembled nature of the Hager hy­brid dis­tri­bu­tion board has made a real dif­fer­ence to us.”

"I have been so im­pressed that I fully in­tend to util­ise the hy­brid dis­tri­bu­tion board on fu­ture pro­jects."

Tom Kennedy

Director of Orange Electrical Contractors

Tom Kennedy con­tin­ues: “By work­ing with the pre-con­figured boards not only are we able to com­plete the job more quickly, but we also have the con­fid­ence of know­ing that the boards have been rig­or­ously tested by Hager be­fore leav­ing their fact­ory and that they meet all pre­vail­ing Brit­ish stand­ard re­quire­ments. I have been so im­pressed that I fully in­tend to util­ise the hy­brid dis­tri­bu­tion board on fu­ture pro­jects. 

I would re­com­mend them 100%.”Steve York, head of the Hager En­gin­eered Solu­tions team, ex­plains how tailored solu­tions are provid­ing com­mer­cial pro­jects such as this with in­creased flex­ib­il­ity and per­form­ance. 

He says: “Work­ing with com­mer­cial de­ve­lopers, it can be easy to fall into the routine of spe­cify­ing products based on pre­vi­ous ap­plic­a­tions, however, this might not al­ways be the ideal solu­tion. By get­ting in­volved with a pro­ject at an earlier stage, we are able to work with en­gin­eers to de­ve­lop the very best solu­tion for the ex­act re­quire­ments. This col­lab­or­a­tion means that we are able to un­der­stand the be­spoke chal­lenges de­ve­lopers, con­tract­ors and spe­ci­fiers face and work with them to de­ve­lop a tailored solu­tion based on per­form­ance and need.”

Tailored Solutions

Have a project coming up that needs a tailored solution? Get in touch with our team and they will help create a solution that meets your project specifications.

Products used in this case study

Get in­spired and discover how you can use our elec­trical in­stall­a­tions in your next pro­ject!

Hager AFDD Consumer Unit

AFDD Consumer Unit

Our AFDD hybrid distribution board solution reduces the risk of fire resulting from faults, by ensuring the AFDD trips the affected circuit.

Motion Detector

If you are looking to save energy in the long term, then raise your sights and think about Hager’s ceiling motion detectors. They are quickly and securely mounted at heights between 2.5 and 3.5 metres.

Sollysta White Moulded

Sollysta offers a complete range of wiring accessory solutions for any application, with our white moulded, decorative, grid, IP66 and metalclad ranges.

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