Klik Black Hide In Plain Sight

Discover how Klik Black provides an ideal solution for retail and commercial settings. This new addition to our lighting connection range offers installation and aesthetic benefits sought in open ceiling applications.

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Klik lighting control

Klik Black Lighting Connection | A Low Visibility Solution

Our new ad­di­tion to our Light­ing Con­nec­tion range, Klik Black, provides the in­stall­a­tion and aes­thetic be­ne­fits that spe­cifiers are seek­ing in open ceil­ing ap­plic­a­tions. Cap­it­al­ising on all the fea­tures of the Klik 4 Range, Klik Black aims to of­fer con­tract­ors with an ex­ten­ded ap­plic­a­tion range to con­form to pro­ject re­quire­ments. 


Es­tab­lished as a mar­ket leader in plug and play light­ing con­nec­tion, Hager has re­cently launched Klik Black – an ex­ten­sion to their staple light­ing con­nec­tion range, Klik. While mir­ror­ing all the fea­tures and be­ne­fits of Klik 4 Pin, Klik Black provides in­stallers with a low vis­ib­il­ity solu­tion that’s ideal for open or semi-open ceil­ing ap­plic­a­tions.


The new ad­di­tion of­fers in­stallers and build­ing man­agers with a wider ap­plic­a­tion se­lec­tion to ac­com­mod­ate pro­ject spe­cific­a­tions. Klik Black aims to blend seam­lessly into dark set­tings where darker products are used, thus hid­ing in plain sight. 


“We fre­quently re­ceived re­quests from our cus­tom­ers that showed a strong need for a low vis­ib­il­ity light­ing con­nec­tion sys­tem. We listened to the needs of our cus­tom­ers and de­veloped a solu­tion that in­cor­por­ated all the be­ne­fits of our Klik range while also en­com­passing a design suited for open ceil­ing ap­plic­a­tions,” said Product Man­ager, John Ap­pleton. 

Products in­cluded in the Klik Black range:

•Mar­shalling boxes
•Plug­gable ceil­ing roses
•Klik 4 pin plugs & sock­ets 
•Oc­cu­pancy sensors

Ideal for a com­mer­cial or re­tail set­ting, Klik Black de­liv­ers com­pli­ance of the ne­ces­sary BS Stand­ards for light­ing con­nec­tion and elec­trical safety. With its plugs, sock­ets, PCR, mar­shalling boxes and even its match­ing sensors, Klik Black will not only save time on-site, but con­tract­ors can re­main con­fid­ent that they are in­stalling a se­cure and aes­thet­ic­ally pleas­ing solu­tion.   

Klik Black products 

Discover our low visibility solutions

Klik Black lighting connection

6 way Klik Lighting Distribution Unit

black lighting connection

Presence Detector 360 monobloc

lighting connection

3 Pin Plug 6A

lighting connection

Plug in Ceiling Rose

Related case studies

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Hager’s new klik lighting control system with dual supply marshalling box has saved Winchester hospital both equipment and time during the electrical installation. 

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Engineering Firm, BSD | Hager Lighting Connection System

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Have some questions?

Check out our FAQ section to answer some questions you may have.

  • What installation settings is best suited for the Klik Black range? 

    The Klik Black range from Hager is specifically designed with modern aesthetics and versatility in mind. It's best suited for installation settings where the visual appeal is a priority, such as contemporary commercial spaces, high-end residential properties, or any space looking for a sleek, minimalistic finish.
    We've ensured that the Klik Black range complements the design intent of such environments, blending seamlessly while providing the reliability and functionality you'd expect from us. So, when aiming for an elegant and modern touch, the Klik Black range is your go-to choice.

  • What are the key features and benefits of the Klik Black Lighting Connection, especially in open ceiling applications?

    The Klik Black Lighting Connection system from Hager is a game-changer, especially for open ceiling applications. Some of its key features and benefits include:

    - Aesthetic Appeal: In open ceiling designs, every component is visible. The Klik Black range offers a sleek, modern, and discreet design that naturally complements contemporary interiors, ensuring that the connections don't detract from the overall aesthetic.
    - Quick Installation: At Hager, we understand the value of time. The Klik Black system allows for faster and more efficient installations, thanks to its plug-and-play design, reducing installation time significantly.
    - Flexibility: The system is highly adaptable, making it ideal for various lighting configurations. This means as layouts change or evolve, adjustments can be made easily without a complete system overhaul.
    - Safety: Safety is paramount for us. The Klik Black range provides secure connections, ensuring that installations are both safe and reliable.
    - Integrated Solutions: The system is designed to work seamlessly with any other Hager products, offering a holistic solution for your lighting needs.

    For open ceiling applications where aesthetics, efficiency, and reliability are crucial, the Klik Black Lighting Connection system stands out as the preferred choice.

  • Which products are included in the Klik Black range, and how do they contribute to low visibility and aesthetic solutions for commercial or retail settings?

    The Klik Black range from Hager encompasses a suite of lighting connection products tailored for modern settings. Within the range, you'll find:

    - Plug-In Ceiling Roses: These allow for quick connections, and their discreet black design ensures they blend seamlessly with darker ceiling finishes common in many contemporary commercial or retail interiors.
    - Lighting Connection & Control Plugs: Designed with aesthetics in mind, these plugs provide a minimal visual footprint. Their dark hue makes them almost imperceptible against most open ceiling designs.
    - Distribution Blocks: These are particularly useful for settings where multiple connections are needed, and their compact and black design ensures they remain inconspicuous.

    In commercial or retail environments, the ambiance is everything. With the Klik Black range, we at Hager have ensured that the functional elements of the lighting system don't interfere with the desired aesthetics. The dark and sleek designs of these components fade into the background, letting the beauty of the space and the illumination stand out. It's a blend of utility and style, serving the modern demands of architects and interior designers.